EleMENtal Rhythms – Men’s Gathering
EleMENtal Rhythms – A Men’s Gathering has been organised by Male leaders across WA, infusing aspects of Mens Work, Leadership, Rites of Passage, Nature Connection, Movement & Music.
Much needed by Men in today’s society, this transformational weekend will allow us to step beyond our traditional roles and responsibilities of provider and protector. We are instead taking the opportunity to connect with our lighter, creative and adventurous sides.
Where we can relax, de-armour and open up to authentic connections with ourselves, others and abundant nature around us.
Through ancient movement practices such as yoga, qigong and dance, along with expertly facilitated experiences, built around Deep Ecology and Rite of Passage frameworks, we will move together through the weekend as one.
Each is on their own inner journey but held together through brotherhood and community.
The focus will be to connect with our inner Magician and heart-centred leader, qualities that we all possess, yet seldom have the opportunity to explore, let alone master. It is hoped that through the weekend’s experiences, a new sense of balance can not only be found but also integrated within ourselves, so as we return home, we as Men can show up as heart-centred leaders and share our own magic within our communities.
This weekend will be led by Paddy Hocking, Raman Swan, Michael Englert and Craigles Forsythe alongside many other facilitators from the WA community.
This event is strictly drug and alcohol-free.
#Menswork #Dance #Archetypes #DeepEcology #RitesOfPassage #EcstaticDance