Beyond the Tree Mens Fire Circle
Be a part of something bigger at Beyond the Tree Mens Fire Circle
Enter into an evolving conversation around the lived experience of men in your community.
This is open to ALL men, this is a space to be seen, heard, and held.
Join us in fortnightly gatherings and sit by the fire where we will share our gratitude, our challenges and our commitments in full acknowledgment of who we are as Men.
This is a FREE offering for men on the Sunshine Coast who want to make positive changes in their lives and build community connections.
- This is not group therapy
- This is not a space that will heal you
- This is not an instant group of friends
- This is not all of the support you will need in life
- This is not a space where everyone will agree
- This is a space for Men
- This is a space for conversation
- This is a space for support
- This is about building a community of care
- This fire has been burning for close to three years
- It came to be because of my own experience
- I needed this space, so I built it
- This is my space to share
- This is a space for men to be brave, and share the things inside that may not see the light anywhere else.
- To be able to speak honestly of our own experiences without fear of judgement and being fixed.
- You may find this space to be therapeutic
- You may feel some healing
- You may make lifelong friends
- Your beliefs and behaviours may be tested
- You may find commonality among men
- I’ll share the space with you, the outcome is on you.
- I question what my life would be without this fire… without the Men.
- I also take full ownership and responsibility for all aspects of my life.
- I am proud of who I am and what I stand for.
- I am proud of you all for choosing to be a part of it.
Our last circle for the year is on Wednesday 13th December.
As always numbers are limited so if you’re keen follow the link below to secure your spot around the fire.
The address will be sent upon securing your space.
Donations of firewood are greatly appreciated.