Central Chapter Meeting – Melbourne Men’s Group
This Central Chapter Meeting meeting is held at the Collingwood Library Meeting Room.
The purpose of MMG Inc. Central Chapter Meeting is to advocate for balanced Australian masculinity, promoting personal wellbeing, enhanced mental health and sense of community, and personal growth through trusted, free, open, men’s group meetings (face to face and online), learning programs and personal mentoring.
By participating in the meetings you are able to:
• reduce isolation/increase connections
• be listened to and genuinely heard
• feel safe sharing feelings and perspectives
• speak honestly, openly and confidentially without judgement
• develop authentic friendships that are not based on your job, the car you drive or the sporting team you follow!
By participating in this meeting and the Talking Circle you agree that:
• to the best of your ability, you will speak ‘from the heart’ and share how you are feeling.
• whoever holds the ‘talking stick’, holds the floor and everyone else listens.
• you can pass along the ‘talking stick’ without having to speak in the Talking Circle.
• anything discussed at Melbourne Men’s Group meetings remains completely confidential.
• you will not give immediate feedback to a person speaking in the Talking Circle. (Our experience over many years tells us that providing immediate feedback can be a barrier to free, authentic and ongoing sharing as the feedback is often attached to an unconscious ‘judgement’ and/or projection).
• we do not seek to solve issues or otherwise ‘fix’ anyone because we believe you are not ‘broken’.
• counselling and/or professional advice is not offered nor provided at Melbourne Men’s Group meetings.
• feedback from other group members can be sought after the Talking Circle is closed.
Contributions: https://mensgroup.melbourne/product/contribution/
Typically there would be up to 30 participants in a Central Chapter men’s group meeting.
Website: http://www.mensgroup.melbourne/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melbournemensgroup
Covid-19 safe rules will apply for this Central Chapter Meeting meeting. Note: A full Covid vaccine digital certificate is a requirement of the City of Yarra to use their premises. Please ensure you have the Vic Services App on your phone to smooth the check-in process. Thanks.
MMG members should not attend if they have any cold or flu-like symptoms. Note: COVID-19 can spread after close contact with an infectious person, through droplets from a cough or sneeze, and touching contaminated services.
Your risk of serious illness from coronavirus increases if you are:
• aged 70 years or over
• aged 65 years or over and have a chronic medical condition
• an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person aged 50 years and over who has a chronic medical condition
• immune suppressed