You are invited to a Common Ground Men’s Group – FREE Info night.
This well-established program run by the Australian Charity Men’s Wellbeing supports men to develop self-knowledge and awareness within a facilitated Men’s group and to learn the practical skills required to become part of an ongoing men’s group or to start their own group.
The core of this well-established program is a series of structured and facilitated group sessions. At the end of the program, there is an opportunity for the group to continue to meet regularly as an ongoing men’s group.
The program allows men to make real connections with other men and to explore and have honest conversations around topics generally of great interest to men, yet rarely discussed at anything other than a superficial level. Topics include emotions, relationships, sex, fathers, fathering and masculinity, and more.
For many men, attending the program has been a liberating and life-changing experience.
Not only does the program provide opportunities for a man to share what is really going on for them, but hearing other men speak openly and honestly about their lives helps put his life into context.
The ongoing support available through a continuing mens circle then helps to integrate learnings and insights made, enriching men’s lives, and the lives of those around them, well after the end of the facilitated program.
Learn some of the other reasons men have attended by watching the following video:
This info night is a relaxed and informal introduction to the program providing a chance to find out what to expect, to meet the facilitators and to hear from past attendees who will share their experience of the course.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.
Guests and/or partners of Men are very welcome to attend the info night, either alone or together.
Please RSVP for more information.
The next Common Ground program in Melbourne will take place over 9 weeks as follows:
7 pm to 10 pm on Thursday evenings from 12th October to 7th December 2023 in Fitzroy North.
Men can sign up at the info night or online at: https://menswellbeing.org/mens-programs/#section-enquiry
Note that the number of interested men and women attending info nights consistently exceeds the Meetup RSVP total, since we promote these events through a number of different channels – so don’t be put off by the RSVP numbers!
We look forward to meeting you.
Please message me with any queries.