Experiencing the 5 Elements of Man 2023 over 2.5 days, we get to deepen our relationship with ourselves and with our fellow Brothers.
A Journey Through 5 Elements:
One of the things most missing on the planet is healthy, initiated men who know how to stand together and help birth a civilisation where the masculine and feminine energies are fully honoured, integrated and celebrated. Our future depends upon it.
Like all transformations, it begins as an inside job – offering ourselves to the evolutionary fires of initiation to become what we seek to bring into the world. This is the sacred journey of the modern spiritual warrior.
Old styles of masculine leadership are failing. The emerging leaders are not the ones who think they know where we are going. They have already arrived. Both the king and queen archetypes are fully embodied in them so that the future naturally unfolds from their hearts. They can stand for the whole because they are whole.
During these 2.5 days, you will go through a series of experiential journeys designed to support you in initiating yourself into that wholeness.
Some of what this Elements of Man 2023 event will cover:
- Healing past wounds so you can have healthy conscious relationships
- Creating Deep Brotherhood that lasts far beyond a weekend
- Learn how to move dark masculine energy in your body healthily
- Shifting your old roles, identities and patterns to be able to feel safe to live from your heart, not your head
- Exploring the journey of being the one you have been seeking as you transition from your personality to come home to your soul.
- Letting down your walls and barriers with other men: Experiencing true vulnerability
- Feeling a deep sense of community in brothers
- Understanding your inner masculine/feminine polarities (Divine & 3D)
- Deepening into your own self-love journey with your own inner man & woman to evolve and integrate them.
- The importance of boundaries and consent to allow for much deeper healing
- Conscious communication practices to create more vulnerability and emotional safety
- How to hold space whilst being in feminine energy or masculine energy
- Opening the feminine (within a man) to her vulnerability, surrender and receptivity.
- Awakening the masculine to his full presence, purpose and power
$777 AUD
(* Retreat fee includes meals for 2 nights, 3 days.)
Payment options available (Afterpay/ZipPay)
Lead Facilitator:
Jason Bart
Jason lives to break free from the confines of conditioning, knowing that these are his own, and pursues his dreams of building Sovereignty in the Individual and the Community. As the father of 2 adult daughters, emotional intelligence & maturity around sexuality and personal empowerment have been a focus.
Under “Alchemy of Love” Jason is a Transformational Coach, International Facilitator and Speaker. Jason recognises the danger of being trapped in the pursuit of external conditions for fulfilment, he instead listens to his heart’s calling to embark on the thrilling adventure of Life, and helps others to do the same.
Jason is here to share the vision of what is possible when we embrace our full Magnificence.
Emotional Support:
Andrew Webb
Since the moment, my hand first touched the heart of this beautiful man, I witnessed his willingness to surrender for the sake of growth.
Over the years Andrew has been one of the strongest supporters of my work, and also a true advocate for “now is the time”.
I love how Andrew, otherwise known as “Mr Spanky” has embraced the true energy of who he is. It’s an honour to have him supporting us all this weekend because I know that he will be there as an example of what it means to be fully in and to show up for one’s Self.
Email me with any questions: