Eye Gazing Workshop Byron Shire
Eye Gazing Workshop Byron Shire, Burringbar – Stunning property – Location provided 2 days prior.
EYE GAZING WORKSHOP facilitated by The Human Connection Movement®
A multi-sensory experience that will connect you deeply with yourself and others.
Have you ever locked eyes with someone and wordlessly felt like you knew them?
- Are you looking for a safe space to be seen?
- Are you interested in cultivating real, meaningful, authentic connection and belonging?
- Are you interested in discovering and developing your innate intuitive abilities?
- Are you looking to come to your fullest expression?
This uniquely crafted workshop is a safe container for people to be truly seen, heard, valued and understood in a deeply satisfying soulful way.
What is Eye Gazing?
Eye gazing is a practice that rapidly connects humans through shared eye contact, leading to a calm, centred and meditative state between any pair or group.
This meditative state dissolves barriers between people and provides them with the opportunity to connect with others beyond their perception of who they think they are and connect them with who they truly are.
What is The Human Connection Method?
The Human Connection Method is an opportunity to rediscover your humanity and express who you truly are.
It’s a step-by-step process on how to connect wordlessly with others through eye contact so that you can experience, a deep, intimate and meaningful connection.
What you will learn:
- How to connect with others non-verbally.
- How to amplify cohesion and connection .
- How to create more intimacy with others.
- How to interpret subtle energy.
- How to create energetic boundaries
- How to facilitate an equal exchange of giving & receiving.
- How to cultivate a deeper trust in your being.
- How to increase your discernment.
Day Program
- Opening Circle
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Guided Group Unity Visualisation Meditation
- Grounds you, connect’s you to yourself and everyone in the group.
- Theory + Practical Guidance – Instructions on How to Eye Gaze (The Human Connection Method)
- A Journey of Eye gazing with Movement included.
- Closing Circle – Reflection time.
- An opportunity for participants to connect after the workshop.
Please note you will be sitting with different participants and there will be short breaks in between each partner.
Eye Gazing has been scientifically proven to:
- Synchronise heart & brain-wave states
- Induce pro-social behaviour,
- Raise self-referential awareness,
- Induce altruistic behaviours
- Improve memory for contextually presented information.
Eye-Gazing participant benefits include:
- Increase in confidence
- Increased levels of awareness, perception and observation
- Greater sensitivity to bodily awareness
- Heightened intimacy and affection in relationships
- Increase in levels of empathy
- Increased confidence to connect to your higher self
- Become more acutely aware of what is happening with our bodies.
- Reduction in loneliness, social anxiety and emotional isolation.
Words are capable of spinning tales equal to fiction and fact, but the heart never lies. It can tell only the truth, and the truth is always expressed in a person’s eyes.
Everyone is a mirror, and through their reflection we see ourselves. Through this deeply humbling and intimate process, we are able to recognise and let go of what no longer serves us and discover how easy it is to connect to each other in truth.
Through the practice of gazing, the tactile sensations, the emotional feelings, the pulsations and tidal flows of bodily energy are kindled and brought to awareness. We then learn to accept and honour them exactly as they are without judgement, for once they have been accepted, the process of surrender can spontaneously begin.
The more we gaze into the eyes of others, the deeper we begin to understand ourselves and the more connected we become to who we are in truth.
“What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the words I have read in my life.” – Walt Whitman
As seen on VICELAND, Catalyst ABC, SBS, The Guardian, ABC Radio, News.com.au, FOX10 and Emotion Magazine, and The Embodiment Conference.
Location & How to get there
A stunning property overlooking the valley / Mt Wollumbin in Burringbar. Address provided 2 days prior to the workshop.
IMPORTANT: Please arrive at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am starting. There’s a small walk up the hill, time to go to the bathroom and get comfortable on the outdoor deck
BYO cushion and a large water bottle for the day.
Igor Kreyman – is the Founder of The Human Connection Movement, a global movement connecting and dissolving barriers between people.
Igor is a world-class facilitator and guide who assists people to express who they truly are and living out their highest potential.
His approach is informed by over 20+ combined years of experience in meditation, film acting, physical performance & experimental movement.
Amy Pareezer – is the Co-Founder of The Human Connection Movement.
Amy is a Fairy Queen Master Facilitator & Space Holder who lives and breaths human connection.
She is the representation of the Divine Feminine in action and holds a powerful key to the ensemble.
Instagram: @thehcmovement, @iamigorkreyman @amisiyah_
Facebook: @thehcmovement
WEBSITE: TheHumanConnectionMovement.org.au
PODCAST: https://the-human-connection movement.captivate.fm/listen
Participant reviews
“I’ve had some of the most heart-provoking, heart-opening experiences that I could ever possibly imagine in that room, I feel like the art of eye gazing is like seeing yourself and allowing yourself to be seen and I’m so grateful of being intuitively guided to be here.” – Amy
“For me eye gazing is one of the most powerful practises you can do to explore what it means to be vulnerable, to see kindness in others, and to really explore what it means to love and be loved.” – Marni
“These workshops have really shown me a level of connection with another human being that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before, it’s so powerful, so meaningful and so beautiful.” – Dulesh
“Each time I leave with something new that I didn’t have before, it just feels like an endless world where you can continuously draw wisdom. Wisdom you always had in you but which you may never have noticed or been able to articulate, so for me it’s a massive learning experience, it’s absolutely transformation, probably one of the most transformational experiences I’ve had in my life” – Trang
“I had really profound experiences with the space that Igor held and even I cant quite vocalise and articulate the depth and breadth of those experience however I know they were truth.” – Peter
“This unconditional love and kindness that I was able to experience for another human that was a stranger, really showed me the power of Eye Gazing and what The Human Connection Movement is actually invoking, which is the connection between humanity that is so often blocked because we spend so much of our time focusing on stimulations and distractions.” – Daisy
“This experience has really allowed me to be myself, to in some ways find myself. I feel like a lot of the emotional walls that were up, are now gone. These workshops have really allowed me to open my heart and to see others opening their hearts as well, and to share the journey home, together.” – Matt
“As someone who has struggled in the past with social anxiety that bordered on phobia, initiating and maintaining eye contact was always a struggle for me, and a challenge I ultimately wanted to face. The Human Connection Movement eye-gazing workshops have provided a safe, welcoming and loving space for me to overcome that struggle and to experience true connection, without words, judgement or expectation. Immediately through eye gazing the facade of what human connection “could be” or “should be” is removed, and what remains is two humans having a silent conversation and truly connecting. It is almost indescribable, and definitely something that needs to be personally experienced.” – Matt
“Last night Igor held a powerful healing space for all of us that attended his eye gazing workshop. Through the various eye-gazing exercises we practised, these prompted many of us to release emotion held within the body and subconscious, allowing us to experience profound energetic shifts. As well as holding a safe and beautiful healing space, throughout the workshop Igor shared many insights and sacred wisdom reminding us of the importance of always returning into our heart space, Higher Self and in turn, being able to connect more deeply with our inner guidance system, compass and intuition. Not only did the eye gazing exercises provide opportunities for us to meditate together, meet soul brothers and sisters, experience deep healing and warm our hearts with love and rejuvenation, Igor held space to ‘walk us home,’ effectively helping us to ‘remember’ who we are at our deepest essence.” – Genevieve
“Eye gazing is truly transformational, there are no words to capture it, it connects you to your soul, life will never be the same.” – Cheryl Hockey
“Eye gazing is waking me up to my soul, so how does that look in my life, my lifelong anxiety is shifting, my relationships are improving… try it, experience magic.”
“Beautifully run, safe space created from the beginning & loved the background of how eye gazing transformed your life. The energy of the room was out of this world!”
“It was really comforting, warm and relaxing, I felt how powerful the mindfulness that comes through holding eye contact and how it can really level me out, relax, make me feel really calm and peaceful in such a short period of time.” – Joshua
“In the beginning, I felt a bit of apprehension and nervousness, but when I got into it I felt really calm and at peace, I think people should be experiencing this as soon as possible!”