Father & Son Connection Camp
For 12-14-year-olds (Year 7, 8, 9) boys and their father or a significant male mentor.
A powerful weekend of connection, laughter, fun, games, challenges and real conversations about manhood under the Peppermint trees on Geographe Bay in Busselton.
An extended weekend making memories and strengthening your connection with your son ahead of the rollercoaster of the late-teen years.
A chance for your son to hear the stories of men and to explore his transition to manhood and what it means to be a good man.
Gain a deeper understanding of who your boy wants to become a young man and how you can support him to grow into the responsible, resilient young man he was born to become
Connect with other fathers and share the challenges of fathering boys. Build a community of support.
Honour your boy’s strengths and talents and build his confidence by recognising his transition toward manhood.
Bookings are open now via the website. Be quick to reserve your spot!