Mens Circle: Perth's Southern Suburbs

Mens Circle: Perth’s Southern Suburbs


Come and join us at the Mens Circle: Perth’s Southern Suburbs.

We’ve seen a huge rise in men stepping into a space of letting go of heavy burdens and celebrating themselves, all while creating a solid community of humble men who know that it’s great to feel and even better to feel safe in doing so.

Massive respect for every man out there connecting in these spaces. Every time we step in, we give permission for those around us to do the same.

The next Mens Circle: Perth’s Southern Suburbs will be on Tuesday, July 9th, at Bakers House in Harrisdale.

The circle itself is very simple:

  • We show up.
  • We have the opportunity to share (no obligation).
  • We listen.
  • We revel, learn, and celebrate in showing up and letting go, however, that may look.


In addition to our usual sharing and support, each session will feature educational topics around masculine leadership. We’ll explore how to:

  • Lead with integrity and authenticity.
  • Build stronger, healthier relationships.
  • Empower ourselves and others through positive masculinity.
  • The space is safe for all men. Nothing will be shared outside of the circle. We set the intention to leave everything we share in the circle, so we can go home to our families, friends, and lives feeling a bit lighter.

If you are interested in taking part and want to know more, please feel free to DM me for more information or just for a chat to see if it’s right for you.

The cost for the session is $20, with all proceeds covering the venue and supporting community initiatives.

If it’s your first time attending, your ticket is free!

We also have a PAY IT FORWARD incentive so if anyone is struggling financially and can’t make it, this can help cover the cost of their attendance (This will be 100% anonymous).

Otherwise, see you on July 9th, at Bakers House.

Big love to you all from the team at Men’s Hub. Have a fantastic week ahead!

What a beautiful and successful 2023 we had as our first year holding circles, hikes and much more for men across the community.

We’ve seen over 100 men step into the circle letting go of heavy burdens and celebrating themselves, all whilst creating a solid community of humble men who know that it’s great to feel and better yet to feel safe in doing so.

Massive respect for every man out there connecting to these spaces. Every time we step in, we permit those around us to do the same.



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