Rock Working Bee
Join us for a weekend of connection and contribution at our amazing Mt Byron retreat for the April Rock Working Bee (it’s almost like a weekend Men’s Gathering).
Where: The Rock, Stirlings Rd, Mount Byron QLD 4312, Australia
The work planned for the weekend is:
- Bush kitchen
- Restock Firewood
- Clean Gutters
- Mowing, Brush Cutting
- Camp area
- Restock Firewood
- Clean Gutters
- Mowing, Brush Cutting
- Pull Down Widow Makers
- Raise Exclusion Barrier Around Rock kitchen Vehicle Bridge
- Replace Tarps Around Roundhouse & Paint Top Plate
- Tension Camp Shelter Ropes
- Road repairs
- Pole house
- Restock Firewood
- Clean Gutters
- Mowing, Brush Cutting
- Flip Kitchen Table
- Install Fly Screen & Blind on Kitchen Window
- Install Curtain Over Upstairs Sliding Door
- Other
- Oil Creek Stair Handrails
- Clear Track to Diana’s
BYO chainsaws, mowers, brush cutter, tools, etc.
Let Charles know if you would be willing to take on preparing dinner on Saturday night.
Contact Charles to confirm attendance or if you have any questions: mwb@charlesbuffett.com or 0413 042 535
- Tentative working bees for 2022:
- 4th -5th June
- 6th -7th August
- 8th -9th October
- 12th -13th November
To be confirmed closer to the date.
I want to thank all the men who have contributed to maintaining the site this year. You and your work are greatly appreciated.