Home Archived Events - Cecil's Men's Hub ~ The Virtual Men's Gathering The Men’s Table Entree on Zoom – Manningham
The Men's Table Entree on Zoom - Manningham

The Men’s Table Entree on Zoom – Manningham

An introduction to The Men’s Table through stories and dialogue..

for men interested in being part of a Men’s Table group

Restricted audience  · This event is only available in certain locations.

This Entree will establish a Manningham Men’s Table that will ultimately meet in person. The event is sponsored by Manningham Council Community Grants. In the interim, due to uncertainties with lockdown, we will run this entree event on Zoom and support men who become founding members to start as a virtual Table if need be.

“I feel very encouraged about the opportunity this presents for men; to come together and be real with each other”Adam, Entree’ attendee

“Very positive… great step towards the future”Wayne, Entree’ attendee

The Entree will introduce you to how The Men’s Table works in a relaxed and conversational online video call.

It will be hosted by a founding member and a man from an existing Table, sharing our experiences from the first 30+ Tables, and responding to your questions, concerns and ideas as you consider becoming part of joining a newly forming Manningham Men’s Table, or helping to start a Table in another part of Melbourne.

What is the Men’s Table?

The Men’s Table is all about men serving men. The first Men’s Table (MT1) began in 2011 with 12 men who have met once a month for dinner and ever since. It is now growing to become a national charity and community of men.
The Men’s Table creates a unique environment for men to share openly about their lives, their challenges, their highs and lows with a group of men who they learn to know, like and trust.

It’s healthy to show emotions and share feelings, and it’s time we freedmen from outdated masculine norms. There’s also never been a better time to be part of building a community.

The Men’s Table creates a sense of belonging, community, peer support and camaraderie that is lacking for many men, even for some who already have a group of mates. Belonging to a Men’s Table contributes to mental, emotional and social wellbeing whilst being powerful support to individual members journeys through life.

Each Men’s Table is a distinct expression of the needs and personalities of its members, guided by a simple structure learned from MT1 and the subsequent 30+ Tables.

For more info, check out – https://themenstable.org/

Or reach out for a chat on:

David: 0412 199 648
Ben: 0424 99 33 66


06 Oct 2021


19:50 - 21:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 06 Oct 2021
  • Time: 04:50 - 06:30



More Info





The Mens Table
The Mens Table

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