Vulnerability & Its Impact On Men
This might be what is holding you back, being a man in this modern world is hard enough with the expectations of family, friends, society, and social media that we have to face day after day. We know that there is strength in being in a community of like-minded men all striving for similar outcomes, without it being a race or a competition.
Through past events and the upbrings of men today, we are left with the belief that
- Asking for help is a sign of weakness.
- Showing emotion is for pussies.
- Crying is also a sign of weakness.
- Complaining gets you nowhere.
- And to just shut up and get on with it.
The purpose of this meet-up is to allow an open space for us to openly discuss the everyday problems that we face as men and how to expand our lives.
This group is for you if;
- If you believe there’s more out there for you.
- If you are sick of getting beaten down by life.
- If you are bored and life doesn’t excite you anymore,
- If you are feeling lost and unsure of what you want to do and become,
These events will be fun and educational highly impactful. There is no obligation to speak up or share anything, but we do highly encourage engagement so you can get the most of each event.
We have a strict no judgment policy, anyone I feel to be breaking this has the potential to be removed.
This event is run by Brendon Giebel. Founder and Head of Transformations at Advanced Men’s Development (AMD).
Come along and join the community of like-minded men striving for improvement in their lives.