WAM Picnic of Wellbeing
The WAM Picnic of Wellbeing is a social event co-hosted by Men’s Wellbeing and Women’s Wellbeing.
You are invited!
This event is family-friendly and open to all. We invite the family, friends, and members of Women’s Wellbeing, Men’s Wellbeing, and all of the attendees of the recently held Manshine Men’s Gathering.
The “twist”: we include playful ceremonies and form tribal/affinity groups to encourage communication between people who are yet to meet and to enhance and deepen the friendships that you already have.
Join us for an afternoon of conversation and interaction!
BYO food, beverages, camping chairs, cups, plates and utensils.
Free tea and coffee will be continuously available. Tap water and electric BBQs are on-site.
This is an alcohol-free event.
This is a free event. No RSVP is required.